Aditya Kannan

I am an Algorithm Developer at Hudson River Trading, working at HRT AI Labs. I build automated trading strategies that scale to electronic markets around the world using deep learning.

Previously, I completed my Fifth-Year Master’s in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University. I worked with Deepak Pathak in the CMU Robotics Institute. My thesis was on using deep learning to teach robots to learn generalizable policies and perform diverse tasks.

Before that, I completed my Bachelor’s of Science in Artificial Intelligence at CMU. While I was an undergrad, I was a teaching assistant for 15-451 (Algorithm Design and Analysis). I spent a summer interning at Facebook AI as part of the OCR team, working on a model that processes text on images in over 60 languages.

If you would like to get in contact, feel free to email me at akannan1729 -at- gmail -dot- com.